Writing is hard work. Leading up to publication it is exhausting work… especially if it is your hobby, you have a deadline and you have a full time job and a family with three little girls all demanding the attention they rightly deserve. It means that after everyone gets put to bed and read to… (Harry Potter for the oldest and Goodnight Moon to the youngest) daddy goes back to work, putting in four to six hours of work. Then you wake up… walk them to the bus stop… go to work… rinse and repeat.
I saw JJ Abrams recently interviewed on Star Wars. He was asked what he would be doing when Star Wars premiers. His answer, “sleeping.” I would normally have considered that a joke… but after having put so much time and effort into writing… publishing two books in less than a year… I got it! He was mostly serious. Of course… if you have a passion for something and want to make it good… it requires hard work and that is exhausting. Translation… hard work = success.
For me… I love writing. It is my passion and with a little effort and some work… perhaps it will become my full time occupation. I am currently working on three books… scratch that… two books. The Tiger is officially out of my hands… this week heading off to be formatted for Ebook and Print. Yes!!!
Last night… was the first time in a good long while I had to myself. I logged into Armored Warfare and played a handful of games with a few friends before climbing into bed at 10… fully 4 hours early. I actually woke up this morning requiring less coffee. ?
Well… if I want to be successful at this thing called writing… I guess I had best get back to it! My goal is to deliver Book 3: The Tiger’s Curse Fall 2016… along with two other unrelated books!
Oh… and make sure you sign up for my newsletter on my website… I am considering releasing a few shorts… covering some of Stiger and Eli’s earlier adventures prior to release of book 3.
Best regards,
Marc Alan Edelheit
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